
Custom furniture is a true luxury, our bespoke Furniture arm is a full-service, custom furniture manufacturing firm that creates and builds premium custom pieces for individual clients, interior designers, developers and commercial properties anywhere in Nigeria.

Creating beautiful, comfortable, and timeless interiors is our passion, and Our team of talented interior designers and architects create homes that are tailored to the specific requirements of each client, taking into account the location, context, brief and personal taste of the client. We are able to work on a multitude of different projects, from purely furnishing private homes for individual clients to developers' large-scale residential projects requiring full interior design and interior architecture services. We have honed our process and service over years of experience to ensure we provide an efficient but in-depth design service that is split into numerous stages, following which the schedule of works will be outlined and agreed. With all onsite requirements met, works will commence and our project coordinators and designers will attend regular site meetings to ensure our designs are being carried out...

Speak to us today about your needs: Email. or call or WhatsApp 0811 029 0594

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